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Membership stuff

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  • Membership stuff

    Just a few reminders and then no more notices on this subject, I promise!

    1) Memberships will now run from the month you pay your dues until the last day of that month next year. For example, if you pay your dues today (02/04/2012), your membership will expire on 02/28/2013.

    2) If you renew before your expiration month, any remaining membership time will be added to your membership. For example, if your membership is set to expire on 02/28/2013 and you renew in December of 2012, the two months you had left will be added to your membership and your membership will now expire on 04/30/2014. Make sense? Now you can renew whenever you remember to without worrying about exactly when your membership expires, you'll always receive a minimum of 12 months of membership for your dues payment.

    3) If you are a NWCBC Member and you haven't sent me your current contact info, please take a moment and do so. We still have some membership records that aren't complete and you may miss out on something if we don't have current info for you.

    Please include:
    Forum screen name
    Mailing Address
    Contact phone
    Email address

    Thanks much,
