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No boating for me for I while!

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  • DMCI
    started a topic No boating for me for I while!

    No boating for me for I while!

    Well, you know what bad luck is? That's where the beginning of summer you fall and break your wrist and while you're in the hospital getting it set, they decide to do a full workup on you and find that you have a touch of pneumonia so you come home with full-time oxygen for the foreseeable future. The oxygen company then load you up with 25 or 30 pound oxygen bottles that last seven or eight hours until they need to be replaced. They also give you an oxygen concentrator that plugs in to a 110 V outlet. So, don't expect me to be boating in the near future. I get the cast off in September.

  • frogpond
    wishing you a speedy recovery.

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  • Helmar
    Hey Dave....
    Hope you can get on a full recovery path soon.
    Plenty of rest buddy.....

    Thanks for letting us know too.!

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  • DMCI
    Originally posted by Bflaherty View Post
    Sorry to hear about your misfortune Dave.. Best to take it easy and heal properly, pneumonia is nothing to mess around with!!

    Perhaps you can look into one of the portable oxygen units so you can at least get outside and enjoy summer, even if not in your boats...
    Turns out the guy that sells the oxygen bottles quotes a price of $5000 for a portable oxygen concentrator while telling me that the full-size units sell for around $800. Now since Mrs. McIntyre didn't raise no dummy I went directly to the Internet and checked it out. Seems you can buy a portable unit on the Internet for around $1850 and adding a large capacity battery brings the total to $2300. This may seem like a lot but compared to the exercise of Wheeling around the size E oxygen bottle on little cart when your other arm is in a cast something you can sling over your shoulder leaving the remaining arm free is a huge benefit. So I got it!

    Thank you all for the good wishes, while they won't get me out on the boat it does mean a lot to hear your comments.

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  • DMCI
    Originally posted by Bflaherty View Post
    Sorry to hear about your misfortune Dave.. Best to take it easy and heal properly, pneumonia is nothing to mess around with!!

    Perhaps you can look into one of the portable oxygen units so you can at least get outside and enjoy summer, even if not in your boats...
    Turns out the guy that sells the oxygen bottles quotes a price of $5000 for a portable oxygen concentrator while telling me that the full-size units sell for around $800. Now since Mrs. McIntyre didn't raise no dummy I went directly to the Internet and checked it out. Seems you can buy a portable unit on the Internet for around $1850 and adding a large capacity battery brings the total to $2300. This may seem like a lot but compared to the exercise of Wheeling around the site he oxygen bottle on little cart when your other arm is in a cast something you can sling over your shoulder leaving the remaining arm free is a huge benefit.

    Thank you all for the good wishes, while they won't get me out on the boat it does mean a lot to hear your comments.

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  • Skagit Hideaway
    Then again, there is maybe nothing as theraputic as lying in a boat on a warm sunny day, staring up at the sky, rocking gently side to side, and listening to the waves lapping against the hull. Maybe you could at least get an afternoon nap in your boat tied up to a dock.

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  • bruceb
    Hey Dave -
    Unfortunate health issues- wish you the best in recovering so you can do some boating later this year. Take care !

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  • Kelly
    Echoing what Brian said, sorry to hear this Dave. Hope you recover fully soon!

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  • Bflaherty
    Sorry to hear about your misfortune Dave.. Best to take it easy and heal properly, pneumonia is nothing to mess around with!!

    Perhaps you can look into one of the portable oxygen units so you can at least get outside and enjoy summer, even if not in your boats...

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